Transformation of Performance Anxiety
Everyone suffers from performance anxiety but for some of us it’s debilitating.
Our aim is to understand and transform that surplus anxious energy into something positive and helpful.
The Strategy
- We isolate those thoughts and worries which are causing you to feel self-conscious. It doesn’t matter what they are. They can seem trivial to you but if they are upsetting how you perform then they need to be taken seriously. Never tell yourself off for feeling anxious!
- We start a dialogue with the thoughts, reasoning with and reassuring them.
- We use a variety of tools to start freeing up the body/mind connection. Often we use Self – Havening to talk with our inner critics
- We work on your voice production, breathing and posture to make sure your singing/speaking is both genuine and relaxed
- We isolate techniques you can practice yourself and do at home or before a performance, so you are happy to be looked at and listened to
- We together create a tailor-made self-help protocol to build resilience.
- We make sure you have plenty of practice and feedback
- We celebrate when the anxiety recedes to normal levels
Our aim is for you never to feel so debilitated again
Self-Havening explainer
Self – Havening is a simple way to transform negative reactions to difficult memories, by using self-soothing touch and mental distraction. The touch helps to transform the chemistry in the brain which connects memory to emotional response. Often the body gets stuck in a reflex pattern of anxious anticipation which we can’t get rid of. We don’t seem able to reason it away. Such reactions can pop up just before a performance or a presentation. With some Self-Havening coaching you can separate those responses and watch them fade away.
If you suffer from difficult thoughts and reactions which are stopping you expressing yourself or performing at your best then this will help you.
Once your anxieties are resolved and you have a plan in place, you can use that energy and positivity to feed your creativity and confidence.
It’s a great feeling!